SPRINGFIELD – The Governor has completed taking action on all legislation that passed the Illinois General Assembly during the spring session, according to State Sen. Jil Tracy (R-Quincy), who says it’s now back in the hands of the Legislature to take up any bills that were vetoed.
In other news, it’s back-to-school season, which means motorists should be on high alert for school buses on the roadways that are picking up and dropping students off.
The end of summer is also a popular time in Illinois for all things agriculture. Illinois is home to several large agricultural exhibits throughout the month of August. Be sure to check them out!
Governor acts on remaining bills; all but six become law

As of Aug. 18, all legislation that passed the General Assembly during the 2023 spring session has now been acted upon by the Governor. With more than 550 bills being approved by both legislative chambers, all were signed into law except for six, which were either vetoed or received amendatory vetoes.
For the bills that received total vetoes, the Legislature will now have an opportunity to override those vetoes with a 3/5 majority of votes to enact the law. If a vetoed bill is not called for a vote, the veto stands, and the bill dies.
For the bills that received amendatory vetoes, the Legislature can either vote to approve the Governor’s amendments to the bill with a simple majority vote, or lawmakers can override the amendatory veto with a 3/5 majority vote to approve the original bill. If the bill is not called for either vote, the bill dies.
Tracy says the General Assembly reconvenes for the annual fall veto session beginning in late October, which is a period designated to take up any vetoes that have been issued.
To learn more about the bills that passed the General Assembly, check out the Senate Republican “At A Glance” document, which summarizes all approved legislation from the spring session.
School bus safety reminder

It’s back-to-school season with most Illinois public schools now back in session. With the start of school comes an increase in the number of school buses on the roadways. It’s important that motorists take extreme caution when approaching a stopped school bus.
When coming to a stopped school bus, vehicles should leave a distance of at least 20 feet to allow students to safely cross the roadway. Violations for passing a school bus include a minimum fine of $300 and a three-month driver’s license suspension for the first offense and a minimum fine of $1,000 and a one-year driver’s license suspension for any subsequent offense.
According to the Illinois State Police, most of the children killed in bus-related crashes are pedestrians, ages five to seven years old, who are getting on or off the bus. A new law aims to reduce the number of incidents.
Signed into law earlier this summer, Senate Bill 2340 requires that on a route where a child must cross the road, the school bus must be equipped with an extended stop arm with flashing red lights that partially obstruct the roadway. This new law is designed to alert motorists of the stopped school bus so that students can safely make their way on and off the bus.
Learn more about the rules of the road and school bus safety at the Illinois State Board of Education’s website.
Large agriculture exhibits dominate month of August in Illinois

Agriculture is a major theme in Illinois during the month of August as some of the largest agricultural showcases are taking place. With the 10-day Illinois State Fair in Springfield wrapping up over the weekend, Illinoisans have two more opportunities to get their agriculture fill.
The DuQuoin State Fair in Southern Illinois kicked off on Friday and runs through Sept. 4. The Fair includes livestock shows, harness races, truck and tractor pulls, and a variety of other entertainment. View a full schedule of events here.
Also, the Farm Progress Show returns to Decatur, Illinois, this year. From August 29 to August 31, nearly 550 exhibitors will be showcasing the newest advancements in ag technology. The event will also feature a variety of demonstrations and other hands-on opportunities. The show typically sees thousands of visitors from all over the world. To learn more, click here.