Tracy and lawmakers call for compromise budget plan

Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) says the budget package is “a reasonable compromise that will allow Illinois to move forward.”

The comprehensive proposal includes a balanced budget, a four-year hard spending cap, lasting property tax relief, and changes to the state’s regulatory system that will create jobs and boost the economy. The bills also includes a $288 million increase for the new school funding formula, as well as additional funding to fulfill commitments to restore child care eligibility to 185 percent of the federal poverty level, and a wage increase to Direct Support Professionals. It also includes term limits on legislative leaders and constitutional officers.

The compromise budget package includes:

  • Budget Bills (SB 2176, 2214, 2215, 2216, 2217, 2218): Comprehensive budget proposal that includes real spending cuts and a four-year spending cap, while providing funding to state agencies like the Department of Human Services to care for our state’s most vulnerable residents, and the Department of Transportation to continue important infrastructure projects.
  • Property Tax Relief (HB 4066): Four-year freeze for all taxing districts, but would allow residents, through voter referendum, to lower or increase their taxes. Allows for an exemption on existing debt service payments as requested by Senate Democrats. 
  • Local Government Consolidation (HB 4067): Strengthens and improves the already-passed Senate Bill 3, and will allow for citizen-initiated consolidation on units of local government.
  • Education Funding (SB 1124, HB 4069): Changes the K-12 education funding formula that treats every district equitably, consistent with the bipartisan framework of the Governor’s School Funding Commission. Funding for early childhood education, K-12 education, community colleges and universities. 
  • Workers’ Comp (HB 4068): Uses previously negotiated language between Senate Republicans and Senate Democrats, like changes to the medical fee schedule, but does not reduce benefits to workers or include a causation standard.
  • Pension Reform (HB 4064): Accepts Senate Bill 16, which has previously passed the Senate, including Senate President John Cullerton’s consideration model and the state’s pickup of Chicago Public Schools’ pension payments.
  • Term Limits (HJRCA 33, HJRCA 2): Constitutional amendment to impose 10-year term limits on legislative leaders in the General Assembly and eight-year limits on Constitutional Officers (Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller, Treasurer, and Secretary of State).
Jil Tracy

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